
Merthyr Cynog Church

Part of the Dan yr Epynt Benefice Merthyr Cynog  church remains an important centrepoint for our community. The churchyard boasts 6 ancient Yew trees which have been recorded by the Ancient Yew Group. Information about these trees can be found here.  These trees are many hundred, if not thousand, years old.




Merthyr Cynog Church TowerBy tradition the church at Merthyr Cynog is the burial place of St Cynog, the son of Brychan, who established a settlement here before 500 A.D. It was reputedly a ‘clas’, a native Christian church in early medieval Wales. More can be found on the church and its history on the Clwyd-Powys Archeological Trust website.






In the 1291 Taxatio it was termed ‘Ecclesia de Merthir’ and had the remarkably high value of œ30, implying a church of exceptional status.


Merthyr Cynog Church


In addition to regular services there are traditional thanksgivings and celebrations  such as harvest, Easter and Christmas. Local weddings here at the church truly unite the community and show off the beauty of this ancient church and its grounds.




Services: Merthyr Cynog – Fourth Sunday in every month.

There is always a warm welcome for all- feel free to get in touch.

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